FMA Birdies 2015
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Date Player Course Hole # Description
Dec. 24th Pete Cedar Hill (Click For Proof) # 8 (par 3 - 162 Yds) 25 Ft. Chip
Dec. 24th Pete Cedar Hill # 7 (par 3 - 139 Yds) 4 Ft. Putt
Dec. 18th Pete Cedar Hill # 7 (par 3 - 139 Yds) 20 Ft. Chip
October 9th John Donovan Cedar Hill # 5 (par 3 - 125 Yds) 4 Ft. Putt (His 2nd Birdie Ever!)
Sept. 25th Pete Cedar Hill # 9 (par 4 - 250 Yds) 15 Ft. Putt
August 28th Pete Cedar Hill # 9 (par 4 - 250 Yds) 3 Ft. Putt
August 19th Scott B. Acushnet River Valley # 9 (par 5 - 501 Yds) 9 Ft. Putt
August 19th Elaine Acushnet River Valley # 7 (par 4 - 336 Yds) 20 Yd. Chip
August 19th Tommy Acushnet River Valley # 5 (par 4 - 336 Yds) 8 Ft. Putt
August 19th Tommy Acushnet River Valley # 4 (par 4 - 436 Yds) 12 Ft. Putt
August 19th Pete Acushnet River Valley # 3 (par 4 - 275 Yds) 2 Ft. Putt
August 19th Phil C. Acushnet River Valley # 3 (par 4 - 275 Yds) 1 Ft. Putt
August 7th Brocky Cedar Hill # 1 (par 4 - 252 Yds) 6 Ft. Putt
August 5th Jim W. Sandwich Hollows # 10 (par 4 - 312 Yds) 10 Ft. Putt
August 5th Toddy Sandwich Hollows # 4 (par 4 - 315 Yds) 6 Ft. Putt
August 5th Tommy Sandwich Hollows # 4 (par 4 - 315 Yds) 6 Ft. Putt
June 24th Brocky Olde Scotland Links # 16 (par 3 - 109 Yds) 15 Ft. Sand Shot
June 5th John D. Cedar Hill # 1 (par 4 - 252 Yds) 35 Ft. Chip (1st Birdie ever!)
May 8th Pete Cedar Hill # 7 (par 3 - 140 Yds) 20 Ft. Chip
April 17th Jack Cedar Hill # 5 (par 3 - 118 Yds) 25 Ft. Chip

Quest For The Birdie Ball